Dear Friend,
I went to Washington to make life better for my community and the entire nation. I didn’t run for Congress to remove a president from office.
Every Congress I take an oath to protect our Constitution and the Rule of Law, to safeguard the basic framework of our democracy so we can all build a better nation together.
President Trump took this same oath. Yet indisputable evidence shows that he violated it. Only a blind partisan could ignore that this president grossly abused the power of his office, or deny that he poses an ongoing threat to our national security and election integrity.
Put simply, President Trump is corrupt and unfit for his office. Therefore, I voted to impeach this president, both for abusing his power, and his flagrant obstruction of Congress. Trump has continually put his interests before those of this nation. Left unchecked, he’d do it again – and has said so.
With history watching, I needed to fulfill my Constitutional duty and vote to impeach this president. His corrupt conduct and assault on our Constitution left no other choice.
To read my fuller thoughts on impeachment, please see my entire Sun Sentinel editorial.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Member of Congress