
Wasserman Schultz

Serving Florida's 25th Congressional District Cancer Summit Information


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Wasserman Schultz, DeGette Lead Congressional Call for FDA to Wrap Up E-Cigarette Marketing Review, Take Action on Thousands of Illegal E-Cigarette Products on Shelves

“Flavored e-cigarettes put a new generation of kids at risk of nicotine addiction and the serious health harms that result from tobacco use. When children’s health is at stake, we cannot tolerate any delay. Unfortunately...


Wasserman Schultz, Salazar Sponsor Bipartisan REVOCAR Act to Defund Maduro’s Repression of Venezuelans

“Maduro’s brutal regime refuses to honor the undeniable election results, despite clear evidence proving his loss. Rescinding these special licenses, which exclusively serve to subsidize the regime's crony corruption, vi...


Wasserman Schultz Leads Florida Congressional Democrats in Demanding DeSantis Rescind Abstinence-Only Directives

We therefore demand that your Administration and DOE rescind these harmful directives issued to our school districts that go way beyond state law and ensure local educators can teach the comprehensive sexual education cu...


MIAMI HERALD DeSantis pulls plug on controversial state parks plan after public, political backlash

After the governor disavowed the proposal on Wednesday, South Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz publicly called for an investigation into the source of the idea. “We need DeSantis to release all records on t...


MIAMI HERALD: A hundred thousand Venezuelans are considering leaving the country right now, poll says

Scenes from Caracas make clear that Venezuelans are holding their ground and rejecting Maduro’s election theft despite widespread violent repression. Concern about refugees is only part of the reason we must have their b...


SUN SENTINEL Democrats are lowering health care costs under law GOP wants to repeal | Debbie Wasserman Schultz

And two years ago this Friday, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, which vastly expanded on that victory by lowering prescription drug costs, expanding ACA access, and making coverage more af...


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