Wasserman Schultz Statement on Equal Pay Day

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Today is Equal Pay Day, one of the most disturbing dates on the calendar. It marks just how far into the next year that a woman has to work in order to earn the same wages a man earned in the previous year. That disparity is now 80 cents on the dollar, which means it took 94 days to reach this point. For women of color, the gap is even wider, with African-American women earning an average of 63 cents, and Hispanic women making 54 cents compared to white men.

Wasserman Schultz on the Failure of Trumpcare Bill

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America's seniors, women, children and families scored a major victory today. Trumpcare was a horrible bill from the start, and was only made worse the more it was amended. The lack of transparency, hearings and proper vetting was appalling. President Trump obviously didn't do his homework, and Republicans are clearly at war with themselves. This defeat was earned and well deserved.

Wasserman Schultz Honors Womens History Month

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During Women's History Month, we celebrate both those who shattered glass ceilings, as well as those who continue to open door's that have not always been open to women. South Florida's own Stella Tokar founded B.O.L.D. Consulting after a highly successful 30-year career as a professional trainer, coach and business consultant. As a South Florida business leader, Stella Tokar strives to lift up other women - helping them to leave their own legacies for generations to follow.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on the Trump Budget

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The Trump budget is an immoral affront to nearly all of our most important priorities: Seniors, children and families and the most important gift we can leave to future generations -- a clean and healthy environment. Aside from the horrific health care cuts that will push tens of millions of people into higher-cost plans, or no coverage at all, this budget proposal sacrifices too many safety, environmental, labor and health protections, all just to ultimately deliver grotesque tax breaks to the wealthy.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on CBO Analysis of Trumpcare

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Yanking insurance coverage from 14 million people and leaving them uninsured next year would be ruthless and cruel. But that's exactly what the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will happen if Republicans are allowed to ram their Trumpcare legislation through Congress. The longer-term projections are even grimmer, with as many as 24 million people projected to lose coverage by 2026.

Wasserman Schultz Honors Womens History Month

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Each March, we honor and remember all of the remarkable women who came before us. The women who worked to make this world a better place – more just, more fair, and more kind. Many decades ago, there was no one who came before them to show the way. They had to be the ones to decide how to shatter the glass ceilings and make it possible for the women who came after them to follow suit and break even more new ground. One of these women who paved the way for future generations is Dr. Sheila L. Chamberlain, a constituent of mine from Hollywood

Wasserman Schultz on Republicans Health Plan

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The Republican repeal plan unveiled last night assaults nearly every segment of America who relies on health care. It would mean less coverage and higher costs for millions of working families, while older Americans would face significantly higher prescription drug costs.

Wasserman Schultz Statement On Anti-Semitism Envoy

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How is anyone supposed to believe that President Trump truly cares about the rise in anti-Semitism? Every week brings new and shocking indifference coming directly from the White House. I am appalled by reports that the Trump White House is considering eliminating the office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and the Ambassador-level position that leads it. There's a dangerous wave of anti-Semitism rising in this country and around the world, and choosing now – of all times – to stop monitoring such incidents around the globe is deeply troubling.

Wasserman Schultz on Rankin Anniversary, Womens History Month

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It was 100 years ago Saturday that Jeannette Rankin took her seat as the first woman elected to Congress, breaking up the ultimate all-male power club. Surviving unwelcoming workplaces is something Rankin and countless other women have endured, and sadly, many still do today. And while women have always worked, it's too often been in situations where they were underpaid, undervalued or not paid at all. As we celebrate Women's History Month, it's important to acknowledge the low wages, poor working conditions and limited opportunities so many generations of women endured. But during this month we can also celebrate the fearless civic, labor and business innovators who knocked those barriers down for all the sisters and daughters who followed them.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Sessions

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America's top law enforcement official can't perjure himself before the United States Senate and maintain the credibility and confidence that the chief law enforcement officer for the nation must have to hold that position. He must now resign.