Happy Pride Month! Each June, we celebrate our LGBT community, take stock in the progress we have made towards equality for all Americans, and rededicate ourselves to protecting and expanding the rights of our LGBT brothers and sisters. This is the first year that we open Pride Month with marriage equality as the law of the land. However, we must also use this month to educate those who might use bigoted or ignorant language or ideas to tear others down. We should help them understand that in the United States, every person – no matter their sexual orientation or identity – is loved, valued and protected. I am proud to stand with the LGBT community in this fight to make our nation a more equal and just place, and look forward to celebrating Pride throughout the month of June. Read more »
Each South Florida household and business should create a plan of action detailing where to go if there is a hurricane, especially for those who need special assistance. Planning in advance will ensure you, your family and loved ones are safe. South Florida residents are never safe from storms. We have seen the devastation of Hurricanes Andrew and Wilma, and while we can never prevent them, we must prepare for them in order to save lives. Read more »
It is an honor to serve on the Conference Committee, and I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to comprehensively address the Zika virus. I hope my House Republican colleagues are finally ready to get serious about this crisis, because the time to act was more than 90 days ago, when the President first made his emergency request. We must provide the necessary funding for mosquito eradication and vector control, vaccine research, and our local community health centers so they can provide screening and comprehensive health services. I thank Leader Pelosi for her unyielding dedication to addressing the Zika virus, and I will do all I can to secure a solution that protects Floridians and Americans. Read more »
Tragedies like the San Bernardino attack show that home-grown terrorism is a real and present threat to our nation, and our law enforcement officers and officials need every tool at their disposal to combat this threat. Rep. Lowey's commonsense amendment would help keep us safe by granting the Attorney General the authority to use the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment. This is our nation's central resource for identifying individuals known to be engaged in, or have suspected ties to, terrorism. Today's disappointing vote demonstrates once again that House Republicans are willing to sacrifice everything – even the security of Americans – to protect their rating from the National Rifle Association. Their priorities are wildly out of step with what Americans need. Read more »
My heart is in Hawaii tonight with my colleague and friend, Rep. Mark Takai and his family, as he continues his ongoing battle with cancer. Mark's career, marked by bravery in our armed forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom and distinguished service in both the Hawaii legislature and U.S. House of Representatives, is entering a new phase, as he makes the decision not to seek re-election. As a breast cancer survivor, I know that this battle can be difficult – but Mark's strength, and the enduring love and support of his wife Sami, his family and friends, and the people of Hawaii, will lift him in this battle. It has been a privilege to get to know him and to serve with him. Read more »
I have been in public service for more than 25 years, and today was one of the most shameful days in any elected body I have ever been a part of. House Republican Leadership – lacking any courage, principles, or fortitude – held open a vote so that their Members could stand in favor of discrimination against our LGBT brothers and sisters, by twisting the arms of their own Members until they switched their votes in order to defeat the amendment. Shame on Speaker Ryan and the House Republican Conference for this pathetic display of cowardice and bigotry. Read more »
I am extraordinarily disappointed and frustrated in House Republicans' approach to combat the Zika virus. More than 100 Floridians and close to 900 Puerto Ricans have already contracted this disease, and its devastating effects are undeniable. In Florida, I am proud that we have bipartisan agreement on the need for serious and comprehensive proposals to combat the Zika virus. Sadly, the only serious part of this proposal is how far it is from meeting our nation's needs in battling this public health crisis. Read more »
Mazel tov to the State of Israel on her 68th anniversary. Our shared values of democracy, justice and religious freedom forged a bond between our two nations even before Israel's independence. I am proud that the United States was the first nation to recognize the government of Israel in 1948. Our mutual commitment to defending and fighting for democratic values in the years since Israel's creation has made our relationship an especially strong and enduring one. Read more »
While I have serious disagreements with Governor Scott on health care policy, I am glad to see him taking the threat of the Zika virus seriously. During his visit, he should ask Congressional Republicans one question: why are they dragging their feet on President Obama's emergency supplemental request to combat the Zika virus? Read more »
Rick Scott and Florida's Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for H.B. 1411, which violates federal Medicaid law. Governor Scott's Administration knew that signing H.B. 1411 would violate longstanding federal law protecting health care providers from these kinds of political games - and he signed it anyway. Regrettably, I don't expect this to be the last we'll hear about his Administration's extreme actions on women's health care, but you can be certain that I will continue fighting for Florida's women every step of the way and that we will hold Rick Scott accountable for violating federal law. Read more »