Wasserman Schultz Statement on New Abortion Clinic Violence Report

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Today's deeply alarming report from the National Abortion Federation shows that women's health care, and those who practice it, are in danger. The violent and gravely irresponsible rhetoric that was a trademark of Republicans' investigations of Planned Parenthood manifested itself in the tragic murders of three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic last November.

FL-23 Womens History Month: Sarah Franco

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I was so honored to be able to join Sarah in September 2014 at the grand opening of JAFCO's Children's Ability Center, where we got to see Sarah and so many at JAFCO's work firsthand. I'm so thankful for her efforts on behalf of South Florida and its Jewish community.

FL-23 Womens History Month: Rosalyn Frazier

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Rosalyn Frazier is the current CEO of Broward Community and Family Health Centers, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide quality and accessible health care services to the Broward County community. It was such a pleasure to see her recently in Washington, DC and to hear firsthand how she and so many people she works with are helping keep South Florida's working families healthy. I'm so appreciative of all the good she has done for our South Florida community.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on the Affordable Care Act and EARLY Act Anniversary

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Even as this law has faced unprecedented obstructionism at both the federal and state level, I have worked to improve and expand it. Today also marks the anniversary of the EARLY Act, which created a breast cancer early awareness and education program for young women. I passed the EARLY Act to empower young women with the information and resources needed to understand their breast health and the risks they face due to their background. I had no idea that as an Ashkenazi Jew I am much more likely to carry the BRCA 2 gene, which elevated my risk of cancer.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Brussels Terrorist Attacks

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My thoughts are with the people of Brussels and Belgium today. Hundreds of families have been devastated as people were simply going about their daily lives of commuting, working or heading out on a vacation. Brussels is a city filled with diplomats and military officials, families and working people – the heart and a reflection of a dynamic and interconnected Europe.

FL-23 Womens History Month: Lainie Jones

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Lainie Jones is a five-time cancer survivor who has been fighting for her life since she was a baby. At just 18 months old, she was diagnosed with adrenal carcinoma in her left adrenal gland. She has been diagnosed melanoma, thyroid cancer, and at age 27 was diagnosed with Stage-2 breast cancer and Li-Frameni syndrome, a rare disorder that makes a person more susceptible to cancer.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on House Republicans Anti-Immigration Resolution

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House Republicans doubled down on their failed strategy of obstructing and opposing President Obama's every move – this time by formally opposing executive actions which would benefit millions of children, parents and families who have come to this nation and especially to Florida. President Obama's executive actions fall well within previous executive actions by presidents of both parties, and would help keep families together. Instead of standing with families, my Republican colleagues, many of whom tout their so-called "pro-family" credentials, chose bitter and divisive partisanship over commonsense reforms that would keep our nation safer and lift up millions of people.

The Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act

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But in my opinion, the Senate Majority's unwillingness to give President Obama's nominee, Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, a fair hearing and timely vote is endangering the Affordable Care Act. Just four years ago our nation celebrated the Court's ruling that the ACA was legal, and I am concerned that their unprecedented refusal to consider Chief Judge Merrick Garland's nomination could jeopardize the ACA. Their refusal to consider his nomination could also jeopardize critical decisions like Roe v. Wade, which ruled abortion is the law of the land, and Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized marriage equality.