Wasserman Schultz Statement on One-Sided UN Security Council Resolution

As a Member of the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, I strongly oppose this one-sided resolution, which obstructs the road to peace, and welcome the decision to pull it from consideration today. One-sided, anti-Israel resolutions thwart the peace process, and have no place at an international forum such as the UN. The only way to resolve the conflict is through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, and the United States should oppose any efforts short of that, which will only delay us and move us further away from a lasting peace.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on One-Sided UN Security Council Resolution

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement regarding the decision to delay a vote in the United Nations Security Council on Israeli settlement activity:

“As a Member of the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, I strongly oppose this one-sided resolution, which obstructs the road to peace, and welcome the decision to pull it from consideration today. One-sided, anti-Israel resolutions thwart the peace process, and have no place at an international forum such as the UN. The only way to resolve the conflict is through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, and the United States should oppose any efforts short of that, which will only delay us and move us further away from a lasting peace.”



Geoff Burgan, Geoff.Burgan@mail.house.gov, 202.225.7931