Wasserman Schultz, Women's Health Groups Statement on Governor Rick Scott Interfering in Women's Health Care
Washington, DC,
March 25, 2016
Rick Scott just showed once and for all just how extreme Florida's Republicans have become when it comes to women's health care and abortion. This law will have devastating effects on Florida's women and their ability to make legal health care decisions with their doctors – without Florida's mostly male politicians' interference.
Wasserman Schultz, Women’s Health Groups Statement on Governor Rick Scott Interfering in Women’s Health Care Pembroke Pines, FL – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23); Laura Goodhue, Executive Director of Florida Planned Parenthood Affiliates; and Jessica González-Rojas, Executive Director of National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. issued the following statement today after Governor Scott signed H.B. 1411 into law: “Rick Scott just showed once and for all just how extreme Florida’s Republicans have become when it comes to women’s health care and abortion. This law will have devastating effects on Florida’s women and their ability to make legal health care decisions with their doctors – without Florida’s mostly male politicians’ interference. Florida Republicans claim to love small government, but this intrusive and disgusting law renders that claim patently false. During a week when we celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Rick Scott and Florida’s Republicans declared once and for all they want to deny women essential health care services, including safe and legal abortion. This law has nothing to do with women’s health care and everything to do with partisan politics, and they should be ashamed,” said Rep. Wasserman Schultz. “Governor Rick Scott is once again playing politics with the health of Floridians. By signing this bill the governor is discriminating against thousands of patients and their provider of choice, ending funding to HIV and other STD testing, affordable birth control for low income women and men and tests that can detect early signs of cancer. This dangerous path can only lead to an increase in unintended pregnancies and public health risks,” said Laura Goodhue, Executive Director of Florida Planned Parenthood Affiliates. “We are outraged by Governor Scott’s decision to stand against Florida women and not veto HB1411. In a state where Latinos make up 23 percent of the population, this law exacerbates an already existing health care crisis happening to Florida Latinas when it comes to accessing basic reproductive health care and puts their lives at risk. Laws like HB1411 create an undue burden on low-income women and women of color who are making their own decisions for themselves and their families. When politicians play doctor, we end up with a health care crisis that is rooted in political ideology, not sound medical guidance. The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health and our Florida Latina Advocacy Network (FL LAN) stand united with women across Florida when we say SHAME on Governor Scott,” said Jessica González-Rojas, Executive Director of National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. ### Wasserman Schultz Contact: Sean Bartlett, Sean.Bartlett@mail.house.gov, 202.225.7931 Geoff Burgan, Geoff.Burgan@mail.house.gov, 202.225.7931
Planned Parenthood Contact: Damien Filer, dfiler@50plus1.com
NLIRH Contact: RaeAnn Roca Pickett, raeann@latinainstitute.org |
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