Reps. Wasserman Schultz, Crist Joint Statement on the Russian Intrusion of Florida’s 2016 Election

“The Russian intrusions revealed to Florida’s delegation today are deeply concerning, and investigators should not withhold this information from the real victims: voters in those two counties."

Washington D.C. – U.S. Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) and Charlie Crist (FL-13) released the following statement after receiving a classified Federal Bureau of Investigation briefing on a Russian intrusion into two Florida counties during the 2016 Election:

“The Russian intrusions revealed to Florida’s delegation today are deeply concerning, and investigators should not withhold this information from the real victims: voters in those two counties. This lack of transparency diminishes confidence in our election systems. It is also disappointing that then-Gov. Rick Scott chose to exploit and trivialize this now-documented assault on our state for political gain last year, despite the prudent and guarded warnings Sen. Nelson made at the time. Now a Senator himself, Rick Scott and most Republican leaders have done far too little to prevent this type of attack from ever happening again. By failing to act, Republicans leave our democracy vulnerable to the same type of attacks Florida witnessed. More must be done to protect our elections.”