Wasserman Schultz on Impeachment Proceedings

"This President’s reckless and habitual disregard for our laws leaves Congress no choice. Impeachment inquiry hearings must commence immediately."

(Washington D.C.) -- U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement:

“I have watched this President increasingly treat our nation’s laws with impunity, and listened to my constituents’ calls to address his lawless presidency. I have also carefully considered the gravity of an impeachment inquiry. 

New and mounting evidence indicates that he has obstructed justice, leveraged foreign aid to target political enemies, illegally blocked a whistleblower from Congress, and invited external interference into our elections. Each one, alone, constitutes a grave abuse of power. Together, I fear that our Rule of Law and Constitution will not survive such open hostility from this, or any future President. 

This President’s reckless and habitual disregard for our laws leaves Congress no choice. Impeachment inquiry hearings must commence immediately. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of our democracy.”