Wasserman Schultz on News of Homestead Migrant Child Detention Center Closure

Steering millions of taxpayer dollars into a poorly regulated and inadequately-staffed facility was cruel and irresponsible. I’ll continue to monitor this facility and work to ensure that it stays closed. I will continue to push legislation that expedites family reunification and sponsor placement.
“I am relieved to hear the Trump Administration is shutting down yet another for-profit child detention camp, thanks to pressure from Democrats in Congress, especially South Florida Members, and the immigrant advocacy community. But this for-profit abomination should never have been opened. Steering millions of taxpayer dollars into a poorly regulated and inadequately-staffed facility was cruel and irresponsible, not to mention ethically troubling, given former-Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly’s position on the Board of Directors. I’ll continue to monitor this facility and work to ensure that it stays closed. I will also continue to push legislation that expedites family reunification and sponsor placement. This is welcome news today, but the fight to hold this Administration accountable for its brutal anti-immigrant agenda continues.”