Wasserman Schultz on the Trump Budget Request

This cold-hearted blueprint arrives to Congress as a lifeless document – and it will largely be disregarded as House Democrats construct a budget that truly strengthens families, protects the planet and lifts up those who need it
“The values rooted in President Trump’s proposed budget confirm his consistently callous disregard for the health, priorities and financial security of America’s families. This cold-hearted blueprint arrives to Congress as a lifeless document – and it will largely be disregarded as House Democrats construct a budget that truly strengthens families, protects the planet and lifts up those who need it.

Like past budgets, Trump’s plan represents a catalog of broken promises, to our seniors, children and the middle class. It takes a knife to health, environment, education, research and nutrition programs – even Social Security. Not surprisingly, it slashes Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, a cruel attack on those who rely on affordable health care. It also reduces infrastructure investments, and slashes climate research and funding for clean energy innovation. As part of his larger anti-immigrant thrust, the request also includes $2 billion for the racist wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for; Trump has the gall to make this request after stealing billions from military families last year to pay for this ineffective boondoggle.

All this comes amid the Administration’s courtroom attack on Americans with pre-existing conditions, and a recklessly irresponsible extension of tax cuts that land overwhelmingly in the bank accounts of corporations and the wealthy. This is not an elaborate plan to build a stronger America. It’s a crude design born of greed and neglect.”