Wasserman Schultz Celebrates Black History Month
February 1, 2021
Black history is American history and it's written every day and woven into the fabric of our American story.
Black history is American history, and it's written every day and woven into the fabric of our American story. Last year, America witnessed some of the largest marches for justice since the Civil Rights Act became law in 1968. Peaceful demonstrators of all races took to the streets, demanding that police brutality no longer be targeted against Black individuals and communities. Soon after, Americans witnessed other groundbreaking moments with the inauguration of Kamala Harris, our nation’s first Black Vice President and first woman to hold the office and with General Lloyd Austin’s confirmation as the nation’s first Black Secretary of Defense. More progressive Black history will continue to be made as President Joe Biden and his Administration work with Black families and communities to recover from the inordinate financial and physical harm unleashed by a worldwide pandemic. Invariably, that history will be written by those whose own stories have too often been stereotyped and marginalized. As we focus on the challenges ahead – restoring the Voting Rights Act, expanding health access in minority communities, and demanding legal, financial and environmental equity – we must also celebrate the rich tapestry of the Black family, and explore its deep diversity. Whether it’s as frontline workers or leaders of the free world, a vast array of African American families are forming our more perfect union every day. Their unique roles and complexities deserve recognition and celebration. And while we cannot mark Black History Month in person this year, I will work every day to make sure we have even more reasons to celebrate – together – in 2022. |
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