Wasserman Schultz Statement on Memorial Day
May 31, 2021
This Memorial Day, as we remember the sacrifices of our fallen heroes, let’s reach out to their families to hear and share their stories, and be sure that they and the communities they left behind are looked after.
“Each Memorial Day, we pause to remember our fallen American heroes and honor the brave men and women who fought valiantly so the rest of us can enjoy the freedoms and liberty we so dearly cherish. As Chair of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, I hold an even deeper appreciation for what our servicemembers and veterans forsake for the benefit of all of us. For that, I will always stand by their side. We must never, ever, forget their sacrifices. Let us also not overlook on this day that we owe the families of those who served a deep debt of gratitude. That means looking out for their health and well-being. All Americans deserve that much from their government, especially those who serve in our armed forces. This Memorial Day, as we remember the sacrifices of our fallen heroes, let’s reach out to their families to hear and share their stories, and be sure that they and the communities they left behind are looked after. We owe nothing less to those who gave up so much for all of us.” |
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