Wasserman Schultz: Millions in Aid Available for New, Existing Broward College StudentsCongresswoman Discusses Available American Rescue Plan Funds with BC Board
June 22, 2021
Today, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) met virtually with the Broward College Board of Trustees to discuss the amazing opportunity available for new and existing students that can help them pay for an array of Broward College education expenses because of the millions of dollars included in the historic American Rescue Plan legislation.
Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) met virtually with the Broward College Board of Trustees to discuss the amazing opportunity available for new and existing students that can help them pay for an array of Broward College education expenses because of the millions of dollars included in the historic American Rescue Plan legislation. “There are millions of game-changing dollars available in our South Florida community, right now, for students to take advantage of – money that could be life altering for so many families as we come out of this brutal pandemic,” Wasserman Schultz said at the Trustees’ meeting today. “Broward College is uniquely situated to help turn thousands of lives around because of that historic legislation. The key is getting that word out to students.” “For anyone struggling with tuition, food, housing, childcare or wi-fi costs due to the pandemic, help is here and it’s waiting for you at Broward College,” Wasserman Schultz said. Click on the image to hear the Congresswoman’s full remarks and the board discussion: The landmark relief legislation passed by Democrats this Spring provided more than $36 billion in funding to colleges, universities, and their students. Nearly half of that is targeted to students through emergency grants. For a list of American Rescue Plan funding allocations at various national and Florida institutions, click here. Here in South Florida, that means hundreds of millions of dollars will help campuses get students back into class and allow them to re-charge their career or educational goals. This one-time infusion of funds has gone to schools large and small, and it is also providing billions in funding to historically black colleges and tribal higher learning institutions, as well. The American Rescue Plan also provides funding assistance for students who previously lacked access to these funds before, like undocumented and international students. “My message today is clear: help is here. And what I really want to stress is that for any students out there who might be listening and thinking about enrolling at Broward College, this help is here for you, too,” Wasserman Schultz said. “New students, if you’re thinking about attending Broward College, now is the time do it.” For more information on attending and available aid, the Congresswoman urged students to look here. #### |
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