Wasserman Schultz on Biden Administration Push for Venezuela Democracy Reforms

While I hope that this deal will result in tangible improvements, I remain concerned about the Maduro regime’s record of dodging its obligations and I look forward to engaging with all parties to ensure that any agreement includes mechanisms to ensure the regime’s compliance and punish its contravention
Washington DC – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25), co-chair of the Congressional Venezuela Democracy Caucus, released the following statement in response to reports of a tentative agreement between the Maduro regime, Venezuela’s democratic opposition, and the United States:

“As the Representative for one of the largest concentrations of Venezuelans in the U.S., I have been forthright in my stance that sanctions against the Maduro dictatorship must be upheld until there are clear, rock-solid commitments from the regime.

“These conditions ¬– free and fair elections, release of political prisoners, an end to state corruption and violence, and restoration of judicial independence – have remained elusive, driving the displacement of over eight million Venezuelans in the last decade.

“I am grateful for President Biden’s steadfast position that sanctions relief is contingent on these objectives and his recognition that negotiation is the best path to achieve them. I also appreciate the leadership exemplified by the Unitary Platform and Venezuela’s opposition presidential candidates under arduous conditions.

“While I hope that this deal will result in tangible improvements, I remain concerned about the Maduro regime’s record of dodging its obligations and I look forward to engaging with all parties to ensure that any agreement includes mechanisms to ensure the regime’s compliance and punish its contravention.

“In the meantime, I continue to advocate for passage of the AFFECT Human Rights in Venezuela Act, which will ensure accountability for the regime’s crimes against humanity, and the VOICE Act, which will coordinate U.S. policy with our allies to maximize the prospects for free elections.”