Wasserman Schultz on International Court of Justice's Israel Ruling

Today’s ruling by the so-called ‘International Court of Justice’ reaffirms that the UN discriminates against Israel. They have consistently denied Israel’s legitimate security needs and the right to defend her people. The fact this decision came mere hours after an unprecedented fatal drone strike on Tel Aviv, while more than 120 hostages remain held captive in Gaza by Hamas and 60,000 Israelis are still displaced due to terror attacks from Hezbollah, further demonstrates the ICJ is not, and never has been, interested in seeking true justice. The discussion about the borders of a future Palestinian state should be part of a two-state solution negotiated by Israelis and Palestinians. However, no path forward exists until Hamas releases the hostages and lays down its arms, so that Israelis can live in a safe and secure environment free from another terrorist threat from Hamas.

Washington D.C. – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25) released the following statement in response to today’s nonbinding opinion issued by the 15-judge panel of the International Court of Justice:

“Today’s ruling by the so-called ‘International Court of Justice’ reaffirms that the UN discriminates against Israel. They have consistently denied Israel’s legitimate security needs and the right to defend her people. The fact this decision came mere hours after an unprecedented fatal drone strike on Tel Aviv, while more than 120 hostages remain held captive in Gaza by Hamas and 60,000 Israelis are still displaced due to terror attacks from Hezbollah, further demonstrates the ICJ is not, and never has been, interested in seeking true justice. The discussion about the borders of a future Palestinian state should be part of a two-state solution negotiated by Israelis and Palestinians. However, no path forward exists until Hamas releases the hostages and lays down its arms, so that Israelis can live in a safe and secure environment free from another terrorist threat from Hamas.”
