Wasserman Schultz: Women at Planned Parenthood ïShouldn't Have to Fear for Their Lives'


Wasserman Schultz: Women at Planned Parenthood ‘Shouldn’t Have to Fear for Their Lives’

by Josh Feldman

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz released a statement today on the Planned Parenthood shooting and how the United States needs to take a serious look at gun violence.

Her sentiments echo President Obama‘s, who was pretty forceful in his remarks about doing something on gun control following the shooting.

Wasserman-Schultz said, “We don’t know all of the details about this particular incident, but we do know that our national epidemic of gun violence must be addressed. Women shouldn’t have to fear for their lives to access basic health services or exercise their constitutionally-protected right to choose.”

She praised the actions of officers and gave her condolences to the families of the three victims.

You can read the full statement here:

    The families in Colorado affected by this attack on Planned Parenthood are in our thoughts today, especially the family of Officer Garrett Swasey who was killed in the line of duty, and the families of the two civilians who also died in last night’s attack. We give thanks for the law enforcement officers who acted bravely to apprehend the suspect.

    We don’t know all of the details about this particular incident, but we do know that our national epidemic of gun violence must be addressed. Women shouldn’t have to fear for their lives to access basic health services or exercise their constitutionally-protected right to choose. Parents shouldn’t have to fear for their children’s lives dropping them off at school in the morning. Americans shouldn’t have to fear going to the movies or other public places where someone with a gun can inflict mass terror. We must recommit to ensuring our communities are safe from these all-too-common acts of gun violence, which have claimed the lives of over ten thousand of our fellow Americans every single year since 2000.
