Wasserman Schultz Floor Speech Honoring the Orlando Victims

Watch the Congresswoman's remarks on the House floor here at this link.


Rep. Wasserman Schultz

Floor Statement – Orlando Tragedy

June 14, 2016

Mr. Speaker,

I rise today in memory of those whose lives were lost in my home state at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. Floridians, Americans and people around the world are in mourning today, grieving for those young lives lost and for their families.

But when will this body finally say enough?

Gun violence is a public health crisis and we must do better.

No one needs an AR-15 assault rifle. This is a weapon of war that was used in Newtown, Aurora, and San Bernardino. We need to reinstate the assault weapon ban to reduce the chances that we have more tragedies.

People on the terrorist watch list should not be able to get a gun. This is common sense! But the majority continues to block this critical security measure.

I also rise to commend our law enforcement and health care professionals, whose lifesaving work is ongoing.

Acts of love like these will always conquer hate – they always have. The American people will continue to stand with our LGBTQ and Latino brothers and sisters, and we will work that much harder, and that much smarter, and that much faster, to ensure their safety and equal rights in their communities. Love will win. Hate will be defeated.

Thank you. I yield back the balance of my time.