Wasserman Schultz Floor Statement on President Obama's Executive Actions

President Obama's executive actions are a critical step to reducing this national epidemic. They are well within his legal authority and will help keep guns out of dangerous hands. They are so critical because of Republican in-action on closing loopholes and their failure to rise above the NRA's fearmongering.

To watch a video of this statement, please follow this link. The remarks below are as prepared for delivery.


"Mr. Speaker, nearly five years ago to the day, I rose to offer my support for one of my closest friends and our former colleague Gabrielle Giffords.

That day, many of us from both sides of the aisle mourned the six Americans whose lives were taken by a deranged gunman in Tucson, Arizona.

Since then, it has become eerily commonplace for a Member to lead a moment of silence to honor their murdered constituents.

A colleague of ours whose life changed forever, 20 six-year old children, a federal judge, worshippers in church…

How does Republican fervor over the right to own a gun trump the right not to be murdered by someone who shouldn’t have a gun?

President Obama’s executive actions are a critical step to reducing this national epidemic. They are well within his legal authority and will help keep guns out of dangerous hands.

They are so critical because of Republican in-action on closing loopholes and their failure to rise above the NRA’s fearmongering.

Democrats will continue to bring meaningful, commonsense solutions to this floor, so we can keep our nation safer.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I yield the balance of my time."
