Wasserman Schultz on Reports Trump Disclosed Israeli Intelligence to Russia

It is immensely troubling that President Trump has seriously jeopardized the security and intelligence gathering of our key ally, Israel, by reportedly sharing classified information with the Russians. The President's reckless behavior not only risks lives, but violates the special bond of trust the United States has with Israel – a nation that has grown to be an ever-closer friend and reliable partner.

 U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement after reports that President Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russian officials that came from Israeli intelligence sources:

“It is immensely troubling that President Trump has seriously jeopardized the security and intelligence gathering of our key ally, Israel, by reportedly sharing classified information with the Russians. The President’s reckless behavior not only risks lives, but violates the special bond of trust the United States has with Israel – a nation that has grown to be an ever-closer friend and reliable partner. More worrisome is that the president’s erratic boasting could place highly-sensitive information in the grasp of Russia’s partners, Syria, Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah – all sworn enemies of Israel. This careless conduct puts both countries’ security and intelligence partnership at serious and undue risk.”


Contact: David.Damron@mail.house.gov or 202-906-0542