Wasserman Schultz on Republican's Health Plan

The Republican repeal plan unveiled last night assaults nearly every segment of America who relies on health care. It would mean less coverage and higher costs for millions of working families, while older Americans would face significantly higher prescription drug costs.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement regarding the Republican’s long-awaited health care plan:

"The Republican repeal plan unveiled last night assaults nearly every segment of America who relies on health care. It would mean less coverage and higher costs for millions of working families, while older Americans would face significantly higher prescription drug costs.

Medicare enrollees would lose free preventative care for such basic services as cancer screenings and flu shots. Even Americans who now have coverage would lose out, because Republicans will allow insurers to once again charge more to those with pre-existing conditions. This basically abandons any families who have a lapse in their coverage due to a lost job -- or for any reason at all.

While my colleagues on the other side of the aisle purport to offer tax credits to lower-income Americans, the truth is that those credits will be significantly lower than the subsidies now provided under the Affordable Care Act to those struggling to make ends meet. That means millions of poorer families who struggle to pay for coverage could lose it entirely.

Exacerbating this disastrous bill is that Republicans also hide its true costs. With no hearings or analysis from the Congressional Budget Office, they push a bill that, on its face, promises more fiscal and physical pain for millions of families -- yet never says how much.

This bill perfectly embodies what one would expect from Trumpcare: It promises more, delivers less and neglects the old, the poor and the sick, while rewarding insurance companies, the pharmaceutical industry, and the rich with massive tax breaks. Trumpcare will make America sick again.”


Contact: David Damron at David.Damron@mail.house.gov or 202-906-0542