Wasserman Schultz Statement on CBO Analysis of Trumpcare

Yanking insurance coverage from 14 million people and leaving them uninsured next year would be ruthless and cruel. But that's exactly what the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will happen if Republicans are allowed to ram their Trumpcare legislation through Congress. The longer-term projections are even grimmer, with as many as 24 million people projected to lose coverage by 2026.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement regarding the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of the impacts of the House Republicans' bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

"Yanking insurance coverage from 14 million people and leaving them uninsured next year would be ruthless and cruel. But that’s exactly what the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates will happen if Republicans are allowed to ram their Trumpcare legislation through Congress. The longer-term projections are even grimmer, with as many as 24 million people projected to lose coverage by 2026.

The outrageous, callous Planned Parenthood cuts would hurt the most, those who already have reduced access to care in low-income communities, and it would actually drive up Medicaid costs from additional births that will result from less affordable birth control, the CBO says.

Under Trumpcare, older Americans could be charged five times more than younger people, up from three times under the current law, increasing costs for those already on a fixed income who can least afford it. The Trump Administration is already trying to discredit this non-partisan analysis, but let’s face it, no matter how you slice it, the numbers would be appalling in terms of the toll on human health. An important note is that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is led by a director who was appointed by Speaker Paul Ryan and former Congressman Tom Price, who is now the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

We now have a non-partisan analysis confirming that Trumpcare will deliver higher costs, less care and more pain to millions of Americans who are already struggling to get by. I’ll do everything I can to stop this health care train wreck.”


Contact: David Damron can be reached at David.Damron@mail.house.gov or 202-906-0542.