Wasserman Schultz Statement on Fifth Anniversary of Tucson Shooting Rampage

Five years ago today, a deranged gunman murdered six innocent people and injured more than a dozen more, including one of my closest friends and my former colleague Gabrielle Giffords, at a supermarket in Tucson, Arizona. Since that horrifying day, America has grappled with too many mass shootings to enumerate here: Charleston. San Bernardino. Newtown. Chattanooga. Roseburg. Tens of thousands of our family, friends and neighbors have lost their lives because guns fell into the wrong hands. Even more, like Gabby, have had their lives immeasurably altered by gun violence injuries.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Fifth Anniversary of Tucson Shooting Rampage

U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement today to mark the fifth anniversary of the Tucson shooting that left six people dead and injured more than a dozen more people:

“Five years ago today, a deranged gunman murdered six innocent people and injured more than a dozen more, including one of my closest friends and my former colleague Gabrielle Giffords, at a supermarket in Tucson, Arizona.

“Since that horrifying day, America has grappled with too many mass shootings to enumerate here: Charleston. San Bernardino. Newtown. Chattanooga. Roseburg. Tens of thousands of our family, friends and neighbors have lost their lives because guns fell into the wrong hands. Even more, like Gabby, have had their lives immeasurably altered by gun violence injuries.

“The people of Tucson’s resolve was tested that day, but it was not broken, and I continue to stand in awe of their resiliency and strength in spite of such horror. Today, my friend Gabby is making progress that few could have predicted that morning in Tucson. Her strength, courage and determination to heal and make this nation a better place have outlived a murderer’s gun. I could not be prouder to call her my friend.

“She, and thousands more like her – concerned parents, neighbors and friends – have joined together to say that we must put a stop to this horrifying national epidemic of gun violence. President Obama’s executive actions announced earlier this week will prevent more senseless deaths and I am glad that he is choosing to lead when Congressional Republicans have cowered in fear of the NRA.”



Sean Bartlett, Sean.Bartlett@mail.house.gov, 202.225.7931

Geoff Burgan, Geoff.Burgan@mail.house.gov, 202.225.7931