Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
543 On the Amendment No
542 On the Amendment No
541 On the Amendment No
540 On the Amendment No
539 On the Amendment No
538 On the Amendment No
537 On the Amendment No
536 On the Amendment No
535 On the Amendment No
534 On the Amendment No
533 On the Amendment No
532 On the Amendment No
531 On the Amendment No
530 On the Amendment Aye
529 On the Amendment No
528 H.Res. 771 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree Yea Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.
527 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
526 Quorum Call of the House Present
525 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
524 Quorum Call of the House Present