Date Roll Call # Bill Question Vote Bill Name
12 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
11 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
10 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
9 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
8 Adjourn On the Motion to Adjourn Nay
7 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
6 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
5 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
4 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
3 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
2 Election Election of the Speaker Jeffries
1 Quorum Call By States Present
549 H.R. 2617 Concurring in the Senate Amendment Yea Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023
548 Adjourn On the Motion to Adjourn Nay
547 H.Res. 1531 On the Resolution Yea
546 H.R. 7939 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate Amendment Yea Student Veteran Emergency Relief Act of 2022
545 S.Amdt. 1402 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea
544 S.Amdt. 989 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea
543 S.Amdt. 5087 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea
542 S.Amdt. 4104 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass Yea