Wasserman Schultz Statement on Florida 24-Hour Waiting Period for Abortions

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People have the right to make their own health care decisions. The Florida's Supreme Court's decision to halt the demeaning state law to force women in our state to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion restores the rights of women to make important health care decisions and is an important step towards women's health care equality. The injunction puts a hold on Governor Rick Scott and Republican lawmakers' insulting presumption that women don't think long and hard before making a decision to terminate a pregnancy. Florida's women should not have to rely on the legal system to ensure their right to have access to a safe and legal medical procedure. Governor Rick Scott and Florida lawmakers supporting this intrusive law should get the message: these so-called "women's health care" laws are unnecessary, intrusive, and unconstitutional.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Earth Day

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I am glad to be spending this Earth Day in the Everglades with U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and a group of dedicated public officials who are actively working together to restore our Everglades for every Floridian and their children. I have worked since my earliest days in the Florida Legislature to restore and support our "River of Grass" and I have been honored to be a congressional partner of President Obama's bold environmental and climate agenda. We must use this important day to rededicate ourselves to the most urgent of causes – the call to save our planet for all those yet to come.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Passover

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Sundown marks the beginning of Passover, a holiday of reflection, storytelling, and a recommitment to the values of freedom and liberty. We retell the story of Jews who were held as slaves in Egypt and the miraculous story that led to our redemption. As we go through the traditional Seder, each food we eat and word we say holding significant meaning, we also look to the future. We remind ourselves that many among us in our own communities and throughout the world still yearn for redemption and freedom. There are those among us who are still not free from the shackles of human slavery, nor from the realities of hunger.

Appropriations Democrats Offer Amendment to Provide $1.9 Billion Emergency Funding for Zika Response

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As Congress returns from the spring recess, I am proud to cosponsor an amendment with my colleagues, Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Nita Lowey and Labor-HHS Subcommittee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro, in support of the President's request for supplemental funding. Although the Republican leadership has refused to consider the Administration's request, I'm committed to ensuring women and children have access to the resources they need at home and abroad to combat this disease, including research into a vaccine, education campaigns and comprehensive family planning resources. It is time for Congress to join together in solving public health crises like this one and time for Republicans to stop sticking their heads in the sand.

Prepared Remarks on Equal Pay Day

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For those who do not know, Equal Pay Day marks how far into 2016 the average woman has to work to earn the same wages the average man earned in 2015 We are four weeks into spring. The Marlins have started their regular season and many South Florida high school seniors are picking out their prom attire. It is a national embarrassment that it takes this far into the year for women to earn what men made in the previous year.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Equal Pay Day

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In spite of the overwhelming evidence to support closing the gap, my House Republican colleagues have voted nine times since 2013 to block the Paycheck Fairness Act from being considered on the floor, which I'm a proud cosponsor of. Instead of helping working women and their families, they've employed their trademark obstructionism and condoned women making less than their male counterparts for the same work. Shame on House Republicans for allowing this national embarrassment to continue under their leadership.

Congressional Record Statement Honoring Southeast Florida Head Huggers

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Since the group began in January 2011, Caps and Wraps has donated more than 20,000 "handmade hugs" to local hospitals and oncology offices to ensure that cancer patients are provided with warmth and comfort. As a cancer survivor, I offer my heartfelt appreciation to Chapter founder, Aline Zucker, for her kindness and generosity.