Wasserman Schultz Statement on President Biden’s Cuba Policy Announcement

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Our focus must remain on supporting Cuban human rights, ending this regime’s grinding racial, labor and LGBTQ+ discrimination, and demanding the immediate release of its political prisoners. That includes the Biden Administration’s new measures to increase the island’s access to U.S. internet services and continuing to block the enrichment of the Cuban military and other human rights abusers through remittance payments.

Wasserman Schultz Applauds Biden Administration Extension of Expired Work Permits

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This move by the Biden Administration grants a lifeline to the thousands of people put in turmoil because of expiration dates that are now extended for eighteen months. Along with my Florida Congressional colleagues, I have for months pushed for this extension to address the flood of constituents who contacted my office because they lost jobs and were ineligible for government benefits.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on Reported Draft Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

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In 2006, I sounded the alarm bell as a witness in the U.S. Senate confirmation hearing of then-Judge Samuel Alito that, once confirmed, a Justice Alito would be a right-wing extremist who would thrust the government into doctors’ offices and dictate intimate family decisions. It is sickening that that prediction has apparently come true. As a mother of two young adult daughters who have had this constitutional right to make decisions about their own bodies for their entire lives, I am outraged and will fight until my last breath to prevent this loss and restore these sacred rights.

Wasserman Schultz, Crist Lead Florida Democrats Calling On Florida To Divest From Putin's Russia

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Urgently isolating Vladimir Putin and his oligarchs saves Ukrainian lives, and I’m repulsed that DeSantis and his fellow Republicans refuse to divest Florida’s Russian-tied assets," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz. "I’m also stunned that, given the chance, Florida’s Republican Members of Congress refused to sign this straightforward letter urging their counterparts in Tallahassee to wipe this blood-stained money off Florida’s investment books. Whether it’s Trump, Tallahassee or FOX News, Republicans still coddle and praise Putin. For the sake of the Ukrainian people, that must end immediately.

Jewish Members Issue Statement Responding to Offensive Comments by Amnesty International USA's Executive Director

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Washington, D.C. - Today, in an act of unanimity, all 25 Jewish Democratic Members of Congress issued the following statement in response to reported comments made by Amnesty International USA’s executive director. The statement was issued jointly by Reps. Auchincloss, Bonamici, Cicilline, Cohen, Deutch, Frankel, Gottheimer, Jacobs, Levin (CA), Levin (MI), Lowenthal, Luria, Manning,…

Wasserman Schultz on Venezuelan Hostage Release, Sanctions and Oil Reserves

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Critically, neither this hostage release, nor Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, warrant allowing the murderous Maduro regime to quickly stockpile petrol profits as Venezuelans still starve for food, medicine and basic human rights under his autocratic rule. Sanctions relief should only be considered when there is a clear and irreversible commitment to restore free and fair presidential elections and cease attacks on the rule of law.

Wasserman Schultz Praises Burn Pit Health Help for Veterans by Biden, Congress

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Our nation must respond to the true impact of war, and our veterans must not bear that burden alone, often decades after their service, amid a cloud of medical uncertainty. I am very proud President Biden clearly committed to address the needs of veterans who encounter brutal environmental hazards like burn pits while serving our nation.