SUN SENTINEL When the system works, the Everglades and the people win | Editorial

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The significance of President Biden’s move to fast-track the reservoir funding cannot be understated. It amplifies the overwhelming commitment he’s already made to the River of Grass, and it removes any budgetary or bureaucratic uncertainty as to whether the linchpin of our restoration efforts will advance.

Biden, Wasserman Schultz Secure Funds to Start Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir Project

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The Biden Administration answered my call when I urged him in the 2022 Omnibus to provide the Army Corps with funding to advance construction of this critical embankment contract, a linchpin of our restoration efforts,” said Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz. “And it’s just one part of Biden’s awesome level of support.

BLOOMBERG NEWS: Record Funding for Restoring Everglades Sought in Budget

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President Joe Biden is seeking a record $407 million for the Everglades restoration project in Florida, a priority for the state’s Democrats and Republicans. The request, embedded in the Army Corps of Engineers’ budget for fiscal 2023, is $57 million more than what the administration requested for the project in fiscal 2022, and comes on top of $1.1 billion allocated in the 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law.

MIAMI HERALD: These South Florida projects are funded in the budget bill Congress just passed

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The federal budget bill headed to President Joe Biden’s desk includes millions for projects in South Florida. The bill commits $350 million to Everglades restoration — on top of the $1.1 billion already provided by last year’s infrastructure law — a priority for lawmakers of both parties.

Wasserman Schultz Praises Burn Pit Health Help for Veterans by Biden, Congress

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Our nation must respond to the true impact of war, and our veterans must not bear that burden alone, often decades after their service, amid a cloud of medical uncertainty. I am very proud President Biden clearly committed to address the needs of veterans who encounter brutal environmental hazards like burn pits while serving our nation.

Biden Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Delivers $1.1 Billion in Historic Everglades Funding

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Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced that the Biden Administration would steer $1.1 billion in funding for Everglades restoration projects to South Florida, the largest-ever infusion of federal investment in restoring the famed River of Grass. The funding will be a massive investment in climate resiliency and the long-term viability of the state economy.

MIAMI HERALD: Biden administration plans to spend more than $1 billion on Everglades restoration

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“This is enormous news, and allows us to set a course for quicker completion of the world’s largest ecosystem restoration project,” said Wasserman Schultz. ”It will enable the construction of resilient and multi-benefit projects that will increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the ecosystem and protect our communities and local economies for generations to come.”