Wasserman Schultz Praises Burn Pit Health Help for Veterans by Biden, Congress

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Our nation must respond to the true impact of war, and our veterans must not bear that burden alone, often decades after their service, amid a cloud of medical uncertainty. I am very proud President Biden clearly committed to address the needs of veterans who encounter brutal environmental hazards like burn pits while serving our nation.

Wasserman Schultz on CASH Act Passage, Trump Veto Override

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Millions of struggling Americans are counting on Congress to deliver the level of assistance that this historic health and economic crisis demands, and I was proud to vote for the CASH Act, which would provide that vital, more robust $2,000 lifeline. There is so much more that needs to be done and Democrats will continue to champion the assistance that families and our states and local communities need, once a new Congress and President take office. I’m proud that the House did its job tonight

Memorial Day Message from Wasserman Schultz

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This Memorial Day it is my honor to pay tribute to those Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and preserve this great democracy. These brave men and women fought valiantly so their fellow Americans can enjoy the freedoms and liberty we so dearly cherish. It’s too easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily lives and overlook their constant vigilance and supreme sacrifice – across the entire globe.

Top VA Appropriators in Congress to Trump: Fully Deploy Defense Production Act to Protect Health Workers, Veterans

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The lead Democratic appropriators who oversee the Veterans Administration health system in Congress implored President Donald Trump over the weekend to fully deploy the Defense Production Act to address the mounting concerns over shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) among all health care workers, especially those who protect veterans in the nation’s VA hospitals.