Wasserman Schultz Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Comprehensive Legislation to Restore Democracy and Accountability in Venezuela

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“Venezuelans have endured a decade of suffering under Nicolás Maduro, whose assault on democracy and human rights have precipitated a refugee crisis second only to Ukraine in the 21st century,” said Rep. Wasserman Schultz. “The U.S. can’t solve this problem alone. But it’s imperative that we coordinate with international partners to improve conditions on the ground and advocate for the release of political prisoners while ensuring accountability to lay the groundwork for a future democratic transition.”

Washington Post Opinion: Venezuela’s crisis must be resolved peacefully, without aiding Maduro

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Like President Biden, I believe in maintaining sanctions against the Maduro regime and its enablers until we see the restoration of human rights, the release of political prisoners and wrongfully detained Americans, and a framework for free, fair elections. Mr. Maduro’s frequent public gripes regarding these sanctions demonstrate our continued leverage.

SUN SENTINEL: Call for an antisemitic ‘day of hate’ sparks united counteraction. ‘Hate will have no quarter here in Broward County.’

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The call for a “National Day of Hate” from white supremacists promoting antisemitism produced a counter-reaction in Broward, as a range of political, law enforcement, civic and religious leaders joined to denounce antisemitism and other forms of hate. “We are united against the extremists and the white supremacists,” said U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Wasserman Schultz Applauds U.S. Embassy Fully Resuming Immigrant Visa Services in Havana in 2023

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For far too long, the Cuban people have lived under a brutal authoritarian regime, with little agency over their future. Ending visa processing at the Guyana Embassy in Georgetown allows far easier access to humanitarian relief through enrollment in the Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CFRP) Program. I applaud the efforts of the Biden Administration to move these services back to Havana.

Wasserman Schultz Statement on President Biden’s Cuba Policy Announcement

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Our focus must remain on supporting Cuban human rights, ending this regime’s grinding racial, labor and LGBTQ+ discrimination, and demanding the immediate release of its political prisoners. That includes the Biden Administration’s new measures to increase the island’s access to U.S. internet services and continuing to block the enrichment of the Cuban military and other human rights abusers through remittance payments.

Wasserman Schultz Applauds Biden Administration Extension of Expired Work Permits

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This move by the Biden Administration grants a lifeline to the thousands of people put in turmoil because of expiration dates that are now extended for eighteen months. Along with my Florida Congressional colleagues, I have for months pushed for this extension to address the flood of constituents who contacted my office because they lost jobs and were ineligible for government benefits.