If immigrants fear that filing taxes could expose them to deportation, many will choose not to file, reducing Federal revenues that contribute to funding public schools, health care, and disaster relief for Americans while shifting resources to the informal economy. Read more »
“The Trump Administration’s decision to revoke TPS for 348,000 Venezuelans is not just dangerous, it is a betrayal of the Venezuelan-American community,” the Members said in the letter, “It defies logic that the United States would deport individuals to a country you yourself have described as an ‘enemy of humanity,’ one that has driven 8 million people to flee, imprisons dissidents, and tortures innocent civilians.” Read more »
Trump does not care how many Venezuelans have been tortured, killed, or jailed by Maduro. He is solely focused on how many he can deport. And he is clearly willing to dispense with democracy, human rights, and our international interests to achieve that goal. Read more »
This is one key way we can fight back, by sharing our story and standing together. House Democrats are also challenging Trump and Musk in Congress, the courts, and inside our communities. With your personal stories, we will be better able to fight to protect you and other Americans. Read more »
President Donald Trump’s first weeks in office showed the world an unnerving split screen: harsh treatment of Venezuelan Americans and a warm embrace of Venezuela’s brutal dictator, Nicolás Maduro. Read more »
“Given Venezuela’s increased instability, repression, and lack of safety, and within all applicable rules and regulations, we demand more information on why the Department has made this decision,” the Members said in the letter. “The only justification that has been offered by the Administration is the false claim that all Venezuelans are ‘dirt bags’, 'violent criminals', or the 'worst of the worst'.” Read more »
f the commission created by the bill transfers the museum to the control of the Smithsonian trust, it would join a collection of Smithsonian museums dedicated to other minority groups including African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and Latinos. Read more »
Our most fundamental responsibility is protecting Americans from being victimized by our adversaries. This means standing up to foreign malign actors who take advantage of loopholes in our laws to profit from stolen trademarks. Read more »
Scenes from Caracas make clear that Venezuelans are holding their ground and rejecting Maduro’s election theft despite widespread violent repression. Concern about refugees is only part of the reason we must have their back,” said Democratic U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents swaths of Miami-Dade and Broward County, in a statement to the Miami Herald. Read more »
We must also make equally clear that if Maduro recognizes the election results and allows a peaceful transition, the U.S. will end Venezuela’s pariah status, support reconstruction of its institutions and end this political crisis, once and for all. Read more »