Wasserman Schultz Legislation Would Curb Russian Military Influence in Venezuela

“As we struggle to return true democracy to this nation, it is vital that we actively combat the bonds that this corrupt regime is forming—none of which is more troubling than its ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.”

(Washington D.C.) – As Nicolas Maduro begins a second tarnished term in office this week, U. S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) announced that she will be introducing legislation that requires intelligence agencies to work with the U.S. State Department to develop threat assessments and strategic plans to monitor and combat the Kremlin’s influence in Venezuela.

The United States must not only help restore true democracy to the Venezuelan people, but also combat military bonds from forming between Maduro’s ruthless regime and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the congresswoman said. The legislation would also monitor the foreign acquisition of assets held by the embattled nation’s state-owned oil company, CITGO, in the United States.

“Today we reach what many of my neighbors in Weston, Florida see as rolling from one illegitimate Maduro term, to the tragic start of another,” said Wasserman Schultz. “As we struggle to return true democracy to this nation, it is vital that we actively combat the bonds that this corrupt regime is forming—none of which is more troubling than its ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.”

This legislation is part of a series of bills to be introduced in the coming weeks by members of South Florida’s congressional delegation, which will target the Maduro regime. Representatives Donna Shalala (FL-27) and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (FL-26) will also be introducing legislation that would restrict the export of defense articles or services to Venezuelan security forces, and provide humanitarian assistance to the Venezuelan people, respectively.

“Unfortunately, the suffering shows no end in sight, so it is essential that solving the political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela never loses its sense of urgency,” Wasserman Schultz said. “Y no podemos olvidar que el que se cansa, pierde. He who tires, loses.”