Wasserman Schultz on Black History Month
"Their story is the American story we all must lift up."
Wasserman Schultz on Black History Month
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"Their story is the American story we all must lift up." International Holocaust Remembrance Day Statement
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"The six million Jews murdered by the Nazis must never be forgotten, and on International Holocaust Remembrance Day we honor the memory of all those who suffered in the worst genocide in human history." Wasserman Schultz on Cohen Testimony
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"The President should do nothing that interferes with Congress’s oversight and investigative responsibilities." Wasserman Schultz on Trump Shutdown Speech
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"A permanent, ineffective monument to waste in return for a temporary reprieve for Dreamers is not a serious offer." First Woman to Chair Military Construction-VA Appropriations Subcommittee
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“I’m fiercely determined to work diligently, and across the aisle, to ensure that our nation’s veterans and the men and women who serve, get the resources and support they need.” Wasserman Schultz Legislation Would Curb Russian Military Influence in Venezuela
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“As we struggle to return true democracy to this nation, it is vital that we actively combat the bonds that this corrupt regime is forming—none of which is more troubling than its ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin.” FLL Mass Shooting Anniversary
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"I firmly renew my pledge to fight for sensible gun safety laws that can help prevent this senseless loss of life." Wasserman Schultz on Trump Shutdown
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"As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I've worked tirelessly with my Democratic colleagues to offer President Trump three options to keep the government open, but he and House Republicans have instead decided to unnecessarily prevent nearly 400,000 federal employees from receiving paychecks this holiday season. This pointless, destructive Trump shutdown will also halt loans… Wasserman Schultz on the Passing of President George Herbert Walker Bush
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"America has lost a veteran, patriot and true public servant." Wasserman Schultz on former Librarian of Congress Billington
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(Sunrise, Fla.) – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued this statement on the passing of former Librarian of Congress Dr. James Billington: “Dr. James Billington was a passionate, visionary scholar who was equally at home among academic peers and literary works as he was a true man of the people. He understood intuitively that knowledge and access to it is the key to… Browse Documents by Date or Issue |
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