Wasserman Schultz y Díaz-Balart lideran esfuerzo bipartidista para denunciar el fraude electoral de Maduro y presionar por una transición pacífica del poder

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Los venezolanos valientemente salieron a las urnas para buscar una representación verdadera y legítima después de una década perdida bajo Maduro. Y a pesar de enormes barreras y riesgos personales, abrumadoras mayorías en todo el país repudiaron a Maduro y eligieron la democracia. Sin embargo, este brutal narcorégimen se niega a enfrentar la realidad, a pesar de la clara evidencia que demuestra la derrota de Maduro. La violeta represión contra los manifestantes en su demanda por la democracia debe terminar y debe comenzar una transición pacífica del poder. La Administración Biden-Harris obligó con éxito a Maduro a realizar estas elecciones. Ahora tenemos que presionar a Maduro y sus matones para que respeten la voluntad del pueblo venezolano, o enfrenten las consecuencias.

Wasserman Schultz on International Court of Justice's Israel Ruling

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Tags: Israel

Today’s ruling by the so-called ‘International Court of Justice’ reaffirms that the UN discriminates against Israel. They have consistently denied Israel’s legitimate security needs and the right to defend her people. The fact this decision came mere hours after an unprecedented fatal drone strike on Tel Aviv, while more than 120 hostages remain held captive in Gaza by Hamas and 60,000 Israelis are still displaced due to terror attacks from Hezbollah, further demonstrates the ICJ is not, and never has been, interested in seeking true justice. The discussion about the borders of a future Palestinian state should be part of a two-state solution negotiated by Israelis and Palestinians. However, no path forward exists until Hamas releases the hostages and lays down its arms, so that Israelis can live in a safe and secure environment free from another terrorist threat from Hamas.

Wasserman Schultz, Díaz-Balart, Gonzales, Espaillat of the Latino-Jewish Caucus Honor 30th Anniversary of AMIA Jewish Center Bombing, Demand Accountability

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I stood with the Argentinian Jewish community at the AMIA commemoration in memory of and to fight for justice for the 85 victims who were murdered and 300 injured by a Hezbollah truck bomb, 30 years ago today. The perpetrators must be held accountable and the families deserve justice.

Wasserman Schultz Leads Bipartisan Group to Recognize the 3rd Anniversary of Cuban July 11 Protests

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“The mission to assist Cuba’s pro-democracy movement has certainly taken on a new level of urgency since July 11, 2021, when the world watched as tens of thousands of Cubans took to the streets to demand freedom,” said Wasserman Schultz. “We must all stand together, in a bipartisan manner, to arm the American people with the truth about Cuba’s cruel dictatorship and take action to uplift the Cuban people’s democratic aspirations.”

ITFCOA Co-Chair Statement on Meta Classifying Antisemitic Content Using “Zionist” as Hate Speech

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Tags: Israel

“As co-chairs of the Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism, we commend Meta's recent decision to accurately classify the abuse of the term 'Zionist' as a proxy for antisemitic hate and incitement of violence against Jews on their platforms. We are proud to have advocated for this hard- fought victory since the founding of the Task Force in 2020 through letters, hearings, roundtables, and meetings with Meta executive leadership.