Wasserman Schultz, Carter, Schrier, Miller-Meeks Introduce Social Media Child Safety Bill

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All parents worry about what their child is seeing or receiving on social media. As the mother of three children who grew up with the world at their fingertips, I constantly worried about what my children were exposed to online, on social media, and through apps that profit from sharing messages which are intentionally designed to disappear without a trace. I am proud to introduce bipartisan legislation to give parents a more balanced level of access to supervise and manage their kid's social media and online presence during the most vulnerable stages of a child’s life.

Wasserman Schultz, Moskowitz Tour Front Lines in Fight to Protect Children from Internet Predators

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Seeing up close the work they do, it’s heartbreaking to see the unfathomable and horrific crimes these teams help prevent and prosecute, but I also see the unmet needs that must be tackled as the perpetrators become even more tech savvy. After seeing the ICAC Task Force’s latest efforts, I remain committed to fortifying these vital child protection teams, and I’ll fight for the record funding that I helped secure in the FY 2024 House appropriations bill.

Wasserman Schultz, Comer, Klobuchar, Blackburn Applaud CMS Coding Reversal to Help Preserve Key Breast Reconstruction Option for Cancer Survivors

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This reversal means women emerging from a life-threatening breast cancer fight can now breath a small sigh of relief. To survive a deadly battle with breast cancer, women need to reclaim their life – not face fewer reconstruction options, financial anxiety, and medical uncertainty.

Wasserman Schultz, Swim Safety Advocates Dive In on New National Water Safety Action Plan

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Drowning is a vital, yet often ignored public health issue, and the U.S. desperately needs a National Water Safety Action Plan. This blueprint finally answers the long, overdue call of the World Health Organization, and is our collective call to action. We each have a role to play in implementing it in the next decade. I stand ready to work with the USNWSAP Steering Committee and the working groups to develop and implement the policies necessary to realize it, and more importantly, to save thousands of lives.

Wasserman Schultz, Klobuchar, Cardin, Fitzpatrick, and DeSaulnier Lead Cancer Survivorship Bill

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From the point of diagnosis, through active treatment and transitions to primary care, until the end of life, this legislation sets the standards of care that all survivors need and deserve. The CCSA confronts care planning, transition, navigation, workforce, education, and awareness, and empowers survivors with the best possible resources and care to overcome this terrible disease. NO survivor or family should be left in the wilderness to navigate this disease or its aftermath.” ?

Wasserman Schultz: New USPSTF Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations Miss the Mark

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The USPSTF released its long awaited updated Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations. I was glad to see the USPSTF is finally recommending that women start receiving mammograms at age 40, as this has been the general consensus in the medical community for over a decade, but I am concerned that their full recommendations miss the mark.

Wasserman Schultz Celebrates Women's History Month

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"This Women’s History Month, perhaps more than others, we risk sliding back on our victories, be it over the basic control of our own bodies due to lost abortion rights, or even the ability to tell women’s stories on college campuses overrun by reactionaries. But we will never unleash the full potential of women – or America – until gender no longer determines full access to equality, freedom and justice."