NBC6: Puerto Ricans vote symbolically–again–in favor of becoming U.S. state

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Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz co-sponsored a bill as well, and said: "It's past time that we honor the will of Puerto Rico’s voters by recognizing their right to determine their own status, just as an overwhelming majority of its citizens did on their Nov. 5th ballot. Puerto Ricans are full-fledged U.S. citizens, who should be entitled to equitable access to federal programs toward which they pay taxes. They are part of our Union and deserve the right to make that official. Congress and our next President must heed the will of the island’s citizens.”

POLITICO: The Postal Service fight that could play out in a spending deal

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The mandate to allow lawmakers and congressional aides to visit postal facilities is now tucked in among all the dollar signs in the annual spending bill Joyce handles, thanks to an amendment Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) offered over the summer. Whether that language makes it into law could be decided over the next two months, if Congress manages to clear final spending bills ahead of the new Dec. 20 government shutdown deadline.

MIAMI HERALD DeSantis pulls plug on controversial state parks plan after public, political backlash

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After the governor disavowed the proposal on Wednesday, South Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz publicly called for an investigation into the source of the idea. “We need DeSantis to release all records on this greedy land grab, plus an IG investigation into who really backed it,” she tweeted.

MIAMI HERALD: A hundred thousand Venezuelans are considering leaving the country right now, poll says

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Scenes from Caracas make clear that Venezuelans are holding their ground and rejecting Maduro’s election theft despite widespread violent repression. Concern about refugees is only part of the reason we must have their back,” said Democratic U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents swaths of Miami-Dade and Broward County, in a statement to the Miami Herald.

SUN SENTINEL Democrats are lowering health care costs under law GOP wants to repeal | Debbie Wasserman Schultz

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And two years ago this Friday, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, which vastly expanded on that victory by lowering prescription drug costs, expanding ACA access, and making coverage more affordable. Thanks to the new law, over 200,000 people in my district alone will buy ACA marketplace policies this year, a 104% increase from 2020. Four million Floridians will use the ACA, with average enrollees saving hundreds in premiums.