“While online platforms can foster global connections, especially amid this pandemic, they also provoke and magnify antisemitism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of bigotry. It is our responsibility, on behalf of our constituents, to fight back against these expressions of online discrimination.” Read more »
“This historic summit, and our commitment to be here together in person shows the urgency of our efforts to create a world that is far less polarized and divided. I am so thankful for the partnerships that we’ve forged, and for the chance to continue this mission with all of you.” Read more »
Democrats just led the way in turning the Safer Communities Act into law, and it will save countless lives. But Republicans still stand in the way of more needed reforms.?We must push to get weapons of war off our streets, which means passing common sense reforms, like banning the sale of assault weapons and firearms with high-capacity magazines. We have more work to do until we keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Read more »
“She delivers and really works hard,” says Broward County Commissioner Beam Furr, a longtime supporter. “She is able to get people around the table to talk things over. She listens; she goes to a lot of community events. She has taken some hits over the years, but she has learned from her experiences. She relates well to people. She works well with other levels of government, like city commissions and state legislators. She is not one to rest on her laurels.” Read more »
An extremist Supreme Court majority just turned women’s bodies into government property, forcing pregnancy onto millions of women who now face horrific medical, financial, and emotional harm. It’s a repulsive, immoral decision that erodes women’s constitutional and human rights and shows just how dangerously out of step that extremist Republicans and their judicial picks are with most Americans. Read more »
No work we do in Congress is more important than keeping our children healthy and safe. And the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act did that by saving countless lives over the years. Read more »
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona was so inspired by a Broward College program that helps people find new jobs through its free courses that he wants to replicate it across the country, he said Monday during a visit to South Florida. “I’m really happy to see what’s happening,” said Cardona, who visited Cypress Bay High School in Weston as part of his mission to “reimagine” the education system after the pandemic disrupted the nation’s schools. I’m inspired.” Read more »
The federal budget bill headed to President Joe Biden’s desk includes millions for projects in South Florida. The bill commits $350 million to Everglades restoration — on top of the $1.1 billion already provided by last year’s infrastructure law — a priority for lawmakers of both parties. Read more »
This package funds critical local projects, and boldly confronts America’s larger challenges, like growing our middle class, rethreading our safety net, and confronting climate change Read more »
Enforcing existing disclosures requirements, and adopting common-sense transparency rules could have discouraged this abuse, or forced them into the light before voters decided these races. We can help our democracy if we arm the public and press with more knowledge about who buys mail ads. Chairman Connolly and I are eager to work with Postal Service leaders to enhance or adopt protections to prevent this type of mail system abuse in our elections. Read more »