Florida Congressional Democrats Blast Trump’s ‘Empty Promises’ Executive Actions

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Addressing President Trump, Florida’s Congressional Democrats wrote, “Your recent executive actions are an assault on the priorities and programs that so many Floridians value and on which so many rely. Even your executive order on eviction hurts Floridians: it does not include any federal moratorium, includes no funding, and offers renters a false sense of protection that does not actually exist."

Hastings, Wasserman Schultz Introduce Community-Police Relations Bill

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Tags: Education

Hastings and Wasserman Schultz filed legislation to bridge the gap between police and the communities they serve by helping establish and fund local entities that create organized lines of communication, accountability and understanding between those who deserve equal protection under the law, and those who are pledged to provide it.

Wasserman Schultz on LGBTQ Pride Month

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As our nation once again finds itself confronting the deadly consequences of racism and police brutality in our society, it is important that we take a moment to remember the roots of the LGBTQ movement. Remember Stonewall, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera and Stormé DeLarverie. And thank Miss Major.