SUN SENTINEL Democrats are lowering health care costs under law GOP wants to repeal | Debbie Wasserman Schultz

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And two years ago this Friday, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, which vastly expanded on that victory by lowering prescription drug costs, expanding ACA access, and making coverage more affordable. Thanks to the new law, over 200,000 people in my district alone will buy ACA marketplace policies this year, a 104% increase from 2020. Four million Floridians will use the ACA, with average enrollees saving hundreds in premiums.

Wasserman Schultz Leads Unanimous Bipartisan Push to Ensure Postal Facility Access, Oversight

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When the time came for me to inspect a postal facility, to do a walk through, to drop by and really see what was going on there in my district, I was denied – not once, but twice. That’s simply unacceptable. We are Members of Congress. We do oversee the Postal Service. And when there is an issue, that service cannot be an impenetrable forcefield. They do not have the right to block access to us or to our staff to conduct the proper oversight.

Wasserman Schultz, Salazar Lead Effort to Block Forced Sale of Venezuelan Assets Held by Pro-Democracy Opposition

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The economic catastrophe inflicted on Venezuela by the brutal Maduro regime must not be exploited by multinational financiers. The U.S. must stand strong against attempts to ransack vital economic assets that belong to the Venezuelan people and promise to serve as the engine for Venezuela’s recovery once democracy is restored.