“Super-sizing the reward that leads to Maduro’s conviction will reinforce the already-decisive actions taken by the Biden-Harris Administration to target the criminal enterprise behind Venezuela’s election theft and the violent repression of its people,” said Wasserman Schultz. “The Biden-Harris White House deftly marshaled swift international pressure onto the Maduro regime, expanded existing sanctions, and rallied global support around this reality: Edmundo González won in a landslide and the Venezuelan people deserve to have their votes counted and rights respected. As Vice President Harris laid out emphatically in a recent letter, the United States 'will remain steadfast with the Venezuelan people in their fight for freedom.' This magnified reward for Maduro’s arrest would amplify those efforts.” Read more »
“Nearly a year ago today, I proudly introduced the VOICE Act to impose sanctions on Venezuelan officials responsible for election interference, corruption, and attacks on Venezuela's democratic opposition, including the ban on María Corina Machado's presidential candidacy. Read more »
“The Venezuelan people have spoken at the ballot box and in the streets, and overwhelming majorities across the nation repudiated Maduro and chose democracy. But this brutal narco-regime refuses to face reality, despite clear evidence of Maduro’s loss. Florida Democrats are determined to stop the violent repression of protestors and restore Venezuela’s democracy. If House Republicans are serious about countering migration and standing up to dictators, Speaker Johnson must bring bipartisan legislation to the floor to punish human rights abuses and promote a peaceful transfer of power.” Read more »
"We insist that your office immediately turn over all public records that would lay out how such a hasty plan was ever conceived and direct the Office of Inspector General to conduct an independent formal investigation into what state procedures were violated, and which private parties lobbied for and stood to benefit from it,” says the letter from U.S. Reps. Wasserman Schultz, Castor, Soto, Frost and Cherfilus-McCormick. Read more »
Venezuelans courageously took to the ballot box to seek true, legitimate representation after a lost decade under Maduro. Despite violent repression, overwhelming majorities repudiated Maduro and chose President-elect Edmundo González. But this brutal regime refuses to face reality, despite clear evidence proving Maduro’s loss. The Biden-Harris Administration successfully forced Maduro to hold this election. Now, the United States must ensure consequences for Maduro's attempt to overturn the will of the voters and support a democratic future for all Venezuelans.” Read more »
Venezuelans courageously took to the ballot box to seek true, legitimate representation after a lost decade under Maduro. And despite enormous barriers and personal risk, overwhelming majorities across the nation repudiated Maduro and chose democracy. Yet this brutal narco-regime refuses to face reality, despite clear evidence proving Maduro’s loss. The violent repression of protestors’ demands for democracy must end and a peaceful transfer of power must begin. The Biden-Harris Administration successfully forced Maduro to hold this election. Now we must bring pressure to bear on Maduro and his cronies to respect the will of the Venezuelan people, or face the consequences. Read more »
Los venezolanos valientemente salieron a las urnas para buscar una representación verdadera y legítima después de una década perdida bajo Maduro. Y a pesar de enormes barreras y riesgos personales, abrumadoras mayorías en todo el país repudiaron a Maduro y eligieron la democracia. Sin embargo, este brutal narcorégimen se niega a enfrentar la realidad, a pesar de la clara evidencia que demuestra la derrota de Maduro. La violeta represión contra los manifestantes en su demanda por la democracia debe terminar y debe comenzar una transición pacífica del poder. La Administración Biden-Harris obligó con éxito a Maduro a realizar estas elecciones. Ahora tenemos que presionar a Maduro y sus matones para que respeten la voluntad del pueblo venezolano, o enfrenten las consecuencias. Read more »
“Comparto en la indignación de la gente venezolano con respecto al informe fraudulento por el consejo electoral de Maduro y apoyo firmamente las demandas de la Casa Blanca de Biden-Harris de que se publiquen resultados transparentes e independientes. Read more »
As Venezuelans prepare to exercise their right to vote this Sunday, we condemn the Maduro dictatorship’s continued abuse and repression of María Corina Machado, Edmundo González, their staff, human rights advocates, and the Venezuelan free press Read more »
Prime Minister Netanyahu rightly recognized the overwhelming support the Biden-Harris Administration and bipartisan Members of Congress provided Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7th attack. He underscored the utter horror of that day and how Israel needs to protect itself and end the terror threat posed by Hamas. Read more »